An overview of why Bad Actors are trying to steal your Personal Information and the Sophisticated Methods they use.
Cyber Security is much more that Celebrity hacking and stolen pictures, or Princes from Uganda looking to send you millions of dollars. It is a complicated and sophisticated enterprise which is engaged in by nation states, hacking groups, and individuals who wish to exploit you in any way possible.
My aim is to provide you an overview as to why these Bad Actors want your information, and what they do with it. And, most importantly, be able to recognize the sophisticated methods they are using to try to steal your information. Understand how to recognize the attacks such as Malware, Phishing, Ransomware, etc. using the various methods below:
- Amazon
- PayPal
- Password Resets
- Email Phishing
- Email Attachments
- Free Stuff
Once you’ve recognized how hackers can attack you, you can start defending yourself. I will also provide links and tools to help in the process. These tactics and recommendations are detailed for thoroughly in Part-2 of the series.